Donate directly
Your gift to stichting ZonnaCare is processed and secured by Mollie Payments.
You can support Stichting ZonnaCare by donating directly using the Donate directly option on the left-hand side (on mobile: above) or manually, by sending your gift to IBAN NL69 ABNA 0566 5462 48 (BIC: ABNANL2A) for the attention of Stichting ZonnaCare. Your donation is tax deductible and exempt from gift and inheritance tax. Here you can find further information. If you wish to make use of the tax exemption option, please make sure to enter your e-mail or postal address in the description. You will be sent proof of your donation for the benefit of your tax return.
Thank you very much for your donation. It will contribute to the quality of life of care-intensive children!
Funds and gifts
Stichting ZonnaCare is grateful for the contributions of all its donors!
J.E. van der Beek-Schoon; Stinafo samen voor het gehandicapte kind; J.C. van der Beek; Mevr. G.D. Eikelenboom; Nederlandse Stichting voor het Gehandicapte Kind (NSGK); Buitenspeeldag Rijnsburg juni 2011 en juni 2012; Stichting Radix Fundatie; Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds; Social Network Foundation; Stichting True Blue; Stichting Pallieter; Retourette; Sponsoractie AH Den Dolder; Mevr. C.M. Bernard-Rietkerken; SKG Protestantse gemeente Emmen; Mevr. M.J.E. Janssen-Heijen; xx; Kiwanis club Bilthoven; Haëlla Stichting; Mevr. R. Lubach; Lions Club Bilthoven 2000; Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde de Balije van Utrecht; Lakeland Foundation; Fonds NutsOhra; Biltse Motorrijders Vereniging (BMV); Stichting Kinderfonds Van Dusseldorp; Stichting Reggeborgh; Fam. Klasens; Fam. Westland; Dhr. F. van den Bergh; Bridge Combinatie Concordia – 86; Stichting Altrecht afdeling Wier; DoldersPopPodium; Marshoek; Navigate North – Team Myuna; Dhr. J.W. Kuijpers; Dhr. J.C. Marijt.